For most children going back to school after the long school holidays is a time of excitement. A time to reconnect with their friends and teachers and begin learning again. But unfortunately for others, it can be a time of anxiety and dread; especially if it’s their first-ever day of school or if they are…
How to sleep like a dawg …
tip number one Turn off the WiFi at least one hour before bedtime … gasp, I hear you cry! Yes, this really does help, staring at screens leading up to bedtime is not conducive to a good nights sleep. And if you’re looking at your phone for long periods of time you need to consider…
Fibrocystic breasts, healed with homeopathy
I want to share with you the case of a lovely lady who came to see me with clusters of cysts in her breast, the condition is known as fibrocystic breasts. It is a benign (noncancerous) condition in which the breasts feel lumpy. Fibrocystic breasts aren’t harmful or dangerous but maybe bothersome or uncomfortable for some…
Homeopathy has stood the test of time. It is a system of medicine in its own right and was founded by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1800s since then its popularity has increased worldwide. It is estimated that 450 million people access homeopathic treatment across the globe. The medicines are easy to take, they are…
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD. It can happen to anybody at any age. It may be triggered by experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event such as a serious accident, natural disaster, violence during military service, physical or sexual assault. Click ~Many are suffering in silence. The symptoms may include but are not limited to: Severe anxiety Panic attacks Paranoia…